Color themes
This update provides Bytecoin users with a new set of color themes for Bytecoin Wallet. Even though our main focus is hardcore protocol features, we believe it's time for CryptoNote to become more user-friendly.
Would it be possible to make custom color themes for the GUI wallet? I remember good all days when everybody was so proud to develop their own IM-client builds (like Miranda and others) with featured skins. It was cool. I think I have a couple of good ideas for new Bytecoin GUI.
Also, why did you decided to add blockchain explorer into the wallet? Isn't it too complicated?
Come on, Jypsi. You know how it is important for a user to be able to see tx hash and to know if his transaction was included in the block or not. In DarkNote GUI we made it possible to open chainradar service in one click, but it's still too far from the ideal solution. I always feel myself a bit disappointed, when chainradar.com loading starts in the new browser window (unexpectedly!) after clicking TX hash in XDN wallet "history" section. Bytecoin devs try to do it in a user-friendly way. Being user-friendly is good.