Part II: CAIx Masternodes
I need to clarify one thing about our Masternode program, you do not need to own one to benefit.
Some might not be able to afford to create one, but the process of creating them can only increase
the price of CAIx and the benefit will be realized elsewhere...
The first tier of CAIx Masternodes will start at 20000CAIx, second tier will be at 15000CAIx,
third at 10000CAIx, and fourth tier will start at 5000 CAIx.
A masternode is a wallet minting an amount equal or higher to the figures above.
Each masternode will receive a share of our first distribution of dividend.
The Masternodes must be active for 30 days, where screen shots will be taken
and saved for comparison and later distribution on active nodes. This will start
on Sunday the 1st of June and ends on Monday the 30th
of June. At which time the first distribution will commence.
More distributions will be done as our projects make more and more profits and
and a portion is set aside for dividend. Higher tiered masternodes will receive
higher rewards, dividing your masternodes on smaller tiers will cause your reward
to shrink. This will create better buys for CAIx as people will seek to accumulate
enough CAIx for the next tier. Over time, we will eliminate the lower level tiers,
causing a forward moving trend to own higher level tiers, pushing the price higher.
I am sorry you do not understand the math behind this, we are not seeking to create thousands of masternodes, as we are not able to pay dividend to someone who owns 100 CAIx for example, as people seek to create the 5k masternode the person with the 100 CAIx will get his share by the price rise that process will cause. The creation of a masternode only helps to establish a natural price gain that benefits everyone. And makes distribution of dividend worth a lot more for people creating these nodes. A person holding 100 CAIx might realize a better benefit by the price picking up than the small dividend contribution he will get.
So you are basically admitting that 100 CAIx will not be worth much anytime in the future. Ok, cool no problem with that. However buy telling all the people who own less than 2-3k that they should sell their coins, you create a bigger sell pressure than the buy pressure from people wanting to make a node. Now talk about flawed math...
5k out of 1.6 mil is 0.003125%, 20k out of 1.6mil is 0.0125. If we take today's BTC supply it's like asking people to hold 120k BTC for the top tier node or 40k for the lower one.
We have now added a fifth Tier masternode set at 2000 CAIx . I hope this helps. Creating any lower masternodes at this time will dilute the reward.