I don't think gambling is meant for inexperienced ones because if they try they would lose everything to gambling so foe that they have to acquire the basic knowledge of gambling first before going into gambling. And it is not all the +18 have the experience to play gamble. Having the experience to gamble is the best ideal and according |MINER| experience is needed on the games you are playing. Though the online gambling has no limitations because under age people would also pretend to be age.
But no professional gambler or gambler who has lot of experience will provide basic knowledge to new gamblers who want to start gambling, especially if they are close friends, it will be very risky.
When new gamblers experience defeat, there may be blaming or assuming that what was said to them was not real because they experienced defeat and this is one of the reasons why it is very difficult to get basic knowledge directly from gamblers.
Here we may give some advice and recommendations, but this is only series of articles and shows what should be done and with some suggestions or advice, other gamblers may not necessarily listen to or determine them.
Only best way is for them to start it themselves, carefully and so slowly over time, various experiences can be gained and can provide learning about basic gambling knowledge.
I quite sure that the attitude of beginner gambler who is about to start gambling will usually ignore other people suggestions and input because they believe in their abilities.
And when there are beginner gamblers who ask for suggestions or advice when starting out then that is only small part of the many novice gambler.
Age is also not guarantee that someone will become good gambler by having the right approach and responsible attitude, age is just number, not driver for having wise mindset.
Look at those who are +18 or under or vice versa when gambling is definitely full of carelessness and no one can forbid it or limit it because everything will depend on their own attitude.