MoneyGram or Western Union or some kind of money transmitter service. If you wanted to donate say $10, you would have paid $3 in fees and only $7 went into the pockets of the charity. This is not
the exact prices, but you get the idea. There are also other methods... but I use that as an example. Now with Bitcoin, you give $10 and more than 90% of that goes towards the charity... no 3rd party
takes 30% before it reach the charity... and this is how it should be. { 3 million people can now also send $0.50 and they will still get a lot of money }
Yes it is best for charity and all other transactions. There is not setup fee and very low transaction fee. If you use coin base or Xapo as a wallet, it is just like free transcations. So no wasting of your money in fee and taxes.