First of all, I think you should try to edit your post title to "Can gambling addiction affect our family?" I think that is how it is supposed to be because, seeing it like this, people may think you are trying to pass information.
However, it’s obvious that too much gambling will result in losing our relationships with our wives, brothers, and sisters. Why did I say that? Because if you are gambling too much, you will definitely become addicted to it, and it will be uncontrollable in the long run. So you can see that by doing this, you will start experiencing financial problems. When you have used all you have to gamble and you don’t have money to gamble again, you will surely start meeting these people and start taking out loans to gamble, and there's no possibility of getting the money back. For your wife, what will make you lose your relationship is that you won't be able to meet her needs again, and she will feel she can’t cope with you again and choose to leave.