
Topic: Canaan Avalon 1246 Repair Suggestions Needed - 1 Hashboard not working - page 2. (Read 817 times)

Activity: 2520
Merit: 1719
Electrical engineer. Mining since 2014.
Based on all the value readings, and ECHU, your third hash board is broken indeed.

ECHU (error code hashing unit) for it is 131073.

To figure out the ECHU sum meaning,
we need to do "reverse sum math".
131073 = 1 + 130172
, in which:

See more here, in Table 4. ->
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
  appreciate the assistance, I think I learned #function.. loosing btc is a good incentive...
{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':554,'Code':11,'Msg':'Summary','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'SUMMARY':[{'Elapsed':648,'MHS av':53952122.14,'MHS 30s':59295536.61,'MHS 1m':58413199.35,'MHS 5m':50175096.20,'MHS 15m':28356242.80,'Found Blocks':0,'Getworks':26,'Accepted':119,'Rejected':0,'Hardware Errors':5,'Utility':11.01,'Discarded':3353921,'Stale':0,'Get Failures':0,'Local Work':15978,'Remote Failures':0,'Network Blocks':1,'Total MH':35109604396.0000,'Work Utility':756403.35,'Difficulty Accepted':7798784.00000000,'Difficulty Rejected':0.00000000,'Difficulty Stale':0.00000000,'Best Share':18284439,'Device Hardware%':0.0001,'Device Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Stale%':0.0000,'Last getwork':0}
{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':554,'Code':70,'Msg':'CGMiner stats','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'STATS':[{'STATS':0,'ID':'AVA100','Elapsed':649,'Calls':0,'Wait':0.000000,'Max':0.000000,'Min':99999999.000000,'MM ID0':'Ver[1246-85-21022601_4ec6bb0_5f74eef] DNA[02010000c3adf89f] MEMFREE[1411984.0] NETFAIL[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] SYSTEMSTATU[Work: In Work, Hash Board: 2 ] Elapsed[649] BOOTBY[0x01.00000000] LW[411795] MH[3 2 0] HW[5] DH[29.661%] Temp[24] TMax[80] TAvg[65] Fan1[3598] Fan2[3604] Fan3[3572] Fan4[3572] FanR[44%] Vo[313] PS[0 1216 1252 176 2203 1252] PLL0[7901 2851 2135 1033] PLL1[7092 2818 2621 1389] PLL2[0 0 0 0] GHSspd[56921.95] DHspd[4.461%] GHSmm[59744.00] GHSavg[54055.58] WU[755147.76] Freq[357.66] Led[0] MGHS[27288.49 26767.09 0.00] MTmax[80 76 -273] MTavg[67 62 0] TA[240] Core[A3201] PING[28] POWS[0] HASHS[0 0 1] POOLS[0] SoftOFF[0] ECHU[0 0 131073] ECMM[0] SF0[520 540 560 580] SF1[520 540 560 580] SF2[520 540 560 580] PVT_T0[ 68 72 67 71 74 69 71 73 73 74 74 70 73 74 78 78 72 72 70 74 80 75 74 73 69 72 74 74 73 69 68 74 76 73 72 70 68 70 72 73 69 68 68 69 72 69 69 64 62 64 68 64 65 65 64 64 65 64 60 60 54 58 58 59 62 60 60 63 58 59 62 62 61 65 61 64 65 63 62 65 62 65 69 67 68 67 62 64 68 67 69 67 65 66 69 68 69 68 65 67 69 70 70 68 67 65 68 68 69 70 65 66 69 69 70 67 65 64 67 68] PVT_T1[ 61 61 68 65 62 61 61 65 64 67 66 63 62 64 67 68 69 63 65 64 69 76 66 65 65 68 69 70 67 68 61 65 66 66 65 67 64 65 68 68 65 64 59 64 69 63 64 61 59 62 64 60 67 58 58 61 65 65 57 57 54 52 50 55 60 55 54 54 55 59 59 56 57 59 55 57 58 61 62 59 59 59 61 63 62 60 59 60 62 64 63 61 61 62 65 64 63 63 61 65 68 65 60 66 63 63 66 66 61 64 63 63 64 63 64 64 64 64 61 65] PVT_T2[-273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 -273 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ASICCRC2[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] CRC[0 0 0] POW_I2C[OK] FACOPTS0[] FACOPTS1[] ATAOPTS0[--avalon10-freq 504:524:544:564 --avalon10-voltage-level 42 ] ATAOPTS1[--avalon10-freq 520:540:560:580 --avalon10-voltage-level 38 ] ADJ[1] COP[0 0 0] MPO[3200] MVL[87] ATABD0[520 540 560 580] ATABD1[520 540 560 580] ATABD2[520 540 560 580] WORKMODE[1]','MM Count':1,'Smart Speed':1,'Voltage Level Offset':0,'Nonce Mask':25}
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
I can copy the log but would need guidance on Code stuff...
Is new firmware utilized for batch management or will it fix stuff? like one board not hashing.
haha, honestly I did try to google how to #function, but thanks for the push in the right direction.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1719
Electrical engineer. Mining since 2014.
First things first, can you post your log?
Please use the "code" function ( # ), while you post it.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
I lost a board, red hash2 on root menu and the H2 temp reads 32degrees f. I see the center board light is out so I removed it but chickened out on removing heat sink screws, don't know if there is anything I could do if I did find something....emailed and wtg response from Canaan.  
Activity: 5
Merit: 8
Hey. I have one miner that is not working and there is no support online and the email support is not responding.

Can you please provide me with the Firmware you got from Canaan and what is the best option to get in contact with Canaan support team


Did you use Blokforge or different distributor? I was able to get a somewhat newer firmware for the 1246 by contacting Blokforge through their support system ( Unfortunately Canaan hasn't updated their site with the link to the latest one.

I got some new firmware from blokforge.
Activity: 15
Merit: 10
Hey. I have one miner that is not working and there is no support online and the email support is not responding.

Can you please provide me with the Firmware you got from Canaan and what is the best option to get in contact with Canaan support team


Did you use Blokforge or different distributor? I was able to get a somewhat newer firmware for the 1246 by contacting Blokforge through their support system ( Unfortunately Canaan hasn't updated their site with the link to the latest one.
Activity: 15
Merit: 10
There isn't any clear information out yet on how to service these so we will have to wait until more people crack them open. I had a similar experience, as opening/servicing wasn't as straightforward as other miners and I didn't want to risk damaging anything.

Some notes about my recent experience with Blokforge and the Avalon 1246:

I had a sort of "bait & switch" with Blokforge, not sure if they did it intentionally or not, but NOTE: There are various types of 1246s out there, and Blokforge was originally advertising the 90TH/s model, however they are shipping the 85TH/s model (1246-85). Also, Blokforge only supports for about 10 days after shipment is delivered, in which case you'll get pretty poor support from Canaan (w/big language barrier).

If you're running in "Normal Power" mode, and getting 80Th/s, and "High Performance Mode" gets you ~84TH/s, you most likely have the 1246-85. To summarize: When ordering the 1246 from Blokforge, please note that you may NOT get the 90 TH/s model. This being said, I have no issue with Blokforge, as they've always been helpful in procuring miners and always reply quickly to inquiries.

Now, technically - some issues I've found with my 1246:

1.) One of the ASIC chips misreads temperature way too high (~120-180C), unfortunately not worth repairing as it hashes fine. Yet this misreading will still affect the overall average temperature reading, and cause one of the fans to run unnecessarily higher.

2.) After about 2-3 weeks of mining, one of the fans is constantly at nearly 100% RPM, regardless of how cool the unit is running. I suspect this fan will die out sooner than it should.

3.) Factory reset did nothing to alleviate these issues.

Sending logs to Canaan simply gets a reply: "Everything is working fine with your miner". Additionally, there are no new firmware upgrades yet, and online resources are basically nil, so please be sure to post as much info as you can for those running/buying this unit.

For anyone who is interested, I would wait a little bit before buying the 1246 as it seems there are still some issues with it. Aside from the points mentioned, it is still pulling about ~.0005BTC/day depending on the pool.
Activity: 5
Merit: 8
Thanks. Yes I did see that guide.

I tried to take it apart today. Took off fans and side of psu then couldnt figure out how to take off psu or controller unit on top without damaging so I just put it all back.

Now its hashing @ 80Th see if it dies again in 2 days like before. Supposed to be 87-90TH.
Activity: 2520
Merit: 1719
Electrical engineer. Mining since 2014.
You can look my Troubleshooting guide for help, the link is in my signature space.

If you are totally new in electrical works, you could also take the pieces to some electrical appliance repair shor or to some professional electrician.
Activity: 5
Merit: 8
I bought I Canaan Avalon 1246 from Blokforge.

It hashed for 1-2 days then died. No hashboards working.

I contacted them and after a week or so got new firmware emailed and then installed it. Now at least 2 or the 3 boards are hashing (so not losing 100% $ and time).

They passed me off to Canaan directly to get warranty work. Spoke with Canaan rep directly in China through whatsapp and he said he would send a new hashboard to Blokforge and then Blokforge would send to me to install myself.

The issue is:

1: Im new to asic mining;
2. Ive never repaired or even tore down an asic miner;
3. There is NO videos on the 1246 or something even close I can find doing it on youtube or elsewhere that Ive searched.

Help please!

Updated 4/25/21:
I didnt get anywhere with Canaan. I got in touch with tech support via whatsapp but they said a hashboard was bad and they were sending a new one by end of March. It still hasnt come.

Yes I ordered to 90Th and Blokforge also bait switched me but did give me option to cancel order. I opted to keep the 85TH unit instead and it is earning .0005BTC avg per day now.

I tried to take my canaan 1246 apart. Pulled off fans and the cover on top and wiggled things around with my hands that I could and then put it all back and IT STARTED WORKING miraculously. Im not sure wtf I did but that little wiggle caused some connect with that bad hash board to connect with control board and it started working 3 boards now. Looked at a video of a bitmain s19 repaitr an I think it may be similar but I dont have the tech skills yet to do it. I made a video of what I did do though but it isnt uploaded anywhere yet.

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