I don't mean the syncing. When I start the wallet it takes a good 3 minutes before the wallet actually starts.
Wow, a full 3 minutes?? ....where's my pitch-fork and lynch mob?
Maybe it's the wallet of all the weed-coins, but I don't think CANN's wallet is any slower that the others I have.
Yeah a full 3 minutes. That's nothing for you or you might be used to it, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed and improved upon. There's a lot of improvements that can be made. Another improvement that can be done is the website. It needs a little polishing.
How could we even expect things to go forward if you take suggestions that way?
Take a breath everybody
tokeweed, you mean the splash screen comes up and just stays on the screen for about 3 minutes?
Yup. Why does it take that long? There has to be a way to make it start faster..?
What the wallet is doing is rescanning the blockchain, or at least some portion of it. Suggests there's some problem with the way windows is handling its shutdown - the Mac build with which I am most familiar will only do so for a significant time if we've had a power failure, for example and the shutdown was not handled gracefully.
How long that takes is a function of how much work there is to do and the speed of available processing power.
Help me trace this, if we can:
Do you autostart your wallet at windows boot up?
Do you shutdown or sleep your computer?
What 'doze version are you using?
How much RAM does your machine have installed?
How many other wallets do you have installed/running?
Do you have many other programs running/autostarting?
Is your drive space close to full?
Is the drive light busy while the wallet is in splash-mode?
Some of these questions may not seem relevant but the answers may help me recreate the conditions on a test box.