He logs into this forum regularly. He last posted just a couple of days ago.
Just so you guys know he's been active on JAM and BLC as well.
Just got a funding on BLC for 1 BTC here : https://bitlendingclub.com/loan/browse/lid/12393/small-first-loan-for-proof-of-my-trading-experience#comments-section
Now I do believe this guy 'did just build and update' the website & had no connection to the scam but that is just what I believe in and it can be completely wrong.
... and is late in repaying..
Reason :
It is 8:05am and I got into bed at 4am, while waiting for the transaction confirmations of the different online Altcoins that I own and then convert them to Bitcoin.
I have been involved in Crypto-Currency since 2011, I am the developer of Extremecoin and run Extremecoin.org and I also run and develop for BBQcoin.org.
I am not going to scam for 1 BTC; it is as annoying for be to have Bitcoins stuck between Cryptsy and my Blockchain.info so in order to get this loan paid off as soon as I can I am selling off some of my other coins and I am selling them off at a loss so I can get the Bitcoins together as quick as I can.
Most developers work in their free time and for no financial gain, that is made through trading.
Last thing, we all know how slow the Bitcoin network can be at times, 1 - 2 hours for each transaction at times, from multiple exchanges where I am selling the various different coins I own.
I understand that users on here are worried about getting scammed but "some" of the people that have invested on here verge on paranoia which I would only understand if I had joined Bitcointalk a week ago and was a newbie.
And why on earth would I be doing a loan listing on BTCJam when I have one on here; whoever borrows Bitcoins to then lend them out on another website at the risk of losing them would be crazy.
I really did not think that the general BTC community had gotten this bad that EVERYTHING has to be instantly classed as a scam; sometimes problems do happen and it means a late payment but in this case better late than not at all.
dano / 2015-05-26 12:09 IST 8 Hours since the last update, and still nothing...