So many words without purpose..
chrysophylax has moved to the other thread. I did a vector instruction rewrite of the boolberry kernel.
Nice speedup. I am modding ccminer to load cubin kernels directly. Then I can opensource ccminer, and sell bin files.
The binfiles will work on linux too. No need for exe files..
What sort of speed are you getting?
The wild keccak in ccminer 2.0 is a replica of wolf0's boolberry cudaminer.
Epsylon have integrated the code i into ccminer without giving wolf0 the credit.
I am working on a faster kernel. A faster kernel is more profit. How the optimalizations are done isn't important..
How could it not be important, if there are strict regulations about intellectual property that are in place to avoid the exploitation of other works, for personal gains?
It's, instead, one of the fundamental points; there isn't even any percentage contribution to the creators of the initial, opensource, project if I've understood correctly (please confirm or deny if possible, it's important).
The protection of the intellectual property it's a fundamental requirement of a software product, you should remember too that you were angry toward others, that tried to resell your optimization of the opensource kernels.
The question is: is anyone allowed to modify an opensource project and resell it without giving anything to the original creators? As you can understand, it's not.
You know what's great about GPL code? You change a couple lines, edit a few variables, it's no longer someone else's code. It only applies when you copy paste. People do it all the time.
Coding is one of the things that ISNT strictly enforced. In order to enforce GPL coding you need a lot of money and a lot of lawyer. You also need to build a ecosystem up around it (like Java for instance, which is an entire programming language and system), otherwise it's really not that different. Someone can just look at it and go 'oh this is different'.
This is actually for the best. You wouldn't want to have to keep recreating the wheel over and over again. This is also why if you want something protected you try to encrypt it as much as possible, like Claymores work for instance. Nicehash failed at that one and EWBF just copied the fuck out of their shit and no one really cared.
Epsylon does have a system for paying him, which is voluntarily using his pool, which I do on every occasion I get as well as donate to him, so I don't feel too badly for him. Yiimp is a very solid pool as well so that's a benefit.