I get this from the PascalCointWallet.log every time there's a share found:
TID:00001074 [Debug]
TID:00001074 [Debug]
TID:000019C4 [Error]
Based on the "how to develop a GPU miner" guide it shouldn't happen:
Have you tried .3 and .4?
Something is working for Nvidia, either people are trolling or they're finding blocks with some random combinations of miners, clients, and luck.
I use KlausT's fork but every version that I've tried so far does the same (including 1.03).
If you use the proxy miner you need to set your miner name to 8 chars in wallet (options). After that start the proxy, then the miner and when it asks about miner prefix just put the 8 chars from the wallet.
They proxy will append 00, 01, etc on each GPU so you will always have 10 chars miner name.
My assumption is that you use bathr008 in miner and forgot to set same name in wallet.