actually i was here, but i don't remember you in 2014, i sold easily my 10 x750ti with minor loss and they were already in the roi territory by a long shot
i didn't lose 40% of their retail value, but more like 33%
p.s. i sold them privately on a forum not on ebay
also you are wrong about very cheap electricity being only commercial rate and need contract etc...check kuwait/egypt rate, they are 1 cent, there are other country with very very cheap electricty
iceland also have 5 cent for everyone but life is more expesive there
You don't seem to remember much of anything from those years you were 'here'. I'm pretty sure you bought that account, almost 100% sure of that now days.
750tis weren't mining in '14, it was AMD only at the time. 750tis were big in '15 and were never worth selling. CGminer took off big in 15 and 750tis (along with other Maxwell cards) have been relatively good since. If a bit anemic as far as how many you can fit on a rig. That's why you still here about people on here talking about their 750tis.
Good for you making another conveniently private purchase and sell to mystical forum members... just like you sell all your cryptos privately in PMs for over market price. Alas, that doesn't apply to really anyone and if the market for eBay is small... random forum purchases are tiny. Meaning if that is true, you won the lottery, good for you.
'Egypt and kuwait' rate IS NOT a power service provider.
Oh yeah I'm sure they have .05c a kwh. Also once again conveniently quoting the ENTIRETY OF A COUNTRY instead of say a .pdf from a power company stating rates.
You really have no idea WTF you're talking about. Even SP doesn't stretch things that far. Funny... a couple pages ago you were bitching about how expensive your electricity was too, which is why you can't mine Ethereum.
I dont know about USA, but in my country it is really easy to sell graphic cards. People will call you in minutes after you have put it on internet. So no problem selling cards here. Also Nvidia cards especially under warranty hold value very well and i will sell them at about 80-85% of their initial price without any problem. So I agree with Amph, the mining risk is minimal unless you go for a really big farm.
Oh yeah? Do they also fart fairy dust and you can eat the candy cane roads? You guys definitely strike me as people that have absolutely no experience. You may have sold one or two cards on eBay. You look at prices on there right now or on a random local ad and assume that's marketprice and what you'll get no matter what.
When the entirety of GPU miners start selling their cards, there is no 'oh you're fine unless you're a big farm' everyone influences the prices of cards, not just one vendor. It's funny I'm actually arguing this stuff with you guys when half of what we do here evolves around understanding crypto-markets.