If 1070 will make 340, I am ready to pay 0.1 BTC + 1 minute or 2 minutes only (not 0.1 BTC)
Claymore will make dual eth+lbry and who you will pay the price?
Do not be greedy.
Algos can't just be turned into a dual miner and they're automatically better. Some algos use more memory then GPU resources and vice versa, that's why they work out in a dual miner setup. If they have to fight for resources, they aren't going to be better. Fucking ethbabies.
"It cost 0.1BTC AND it comes with 2minute donation mining per hour."
isn't that too much? shouldn't be one or the other?
0.1 + 3.3% fixed (with 1% of the pool and more with the exchange), means that the final amount it's more or less the half of what advertized, and frankly speaking with the added 0.1 it's too much for my taste. The one or the other, not both.
Keep in mind that the frequency of a 1070, as you know, it's related to the boost clock (1750/1800, even 2k in some cases.. Stock clocks)
Pool fee being included with miner fee? Oh yeah? I hear developers are also responsible for transaction fees, exchange fees, and BTC withdrawl fees. Silly goose.
0.1 with fee is insane for the 1070 owner, unless you can pull off a crazy 20% or something, and i really doubt you can it's not optimizable anymore, pallas wolfo and epsylon all agree on this...
Because 20% is crazier then 15%. "I know nothing about coding, but I'm going to flat out say you can't improve this algo." You're dumb.
sp, i respect your work and i´ll gladly consider buying it when you optimize the 1070 part.
but, please, dont make your numbers on miner´s profit. Weight your work, not our income.
keep on the good work!
Translation: This guy owns one BIG ASS FARM and doesn't want it taxed. In other words, you'll make more then .1 BTC off him in the long run easily.
stock 1070 give 280 mhs on the latest miner. GPU 2050, mem -800
This is a heavy OC. Most people wont be stable at 2050. Looking closer to 1950, SPs numbers are quite realistic. Also it wouldn't be 280Mhs, it's around 270. I have a couple GPUs running at these clocks.
stock 1070 give 280 mhs on the latest miner. GPU 2050, mem -800
ccminer 1.8.1 gives more than 270 mhs on 1070 GPU 1960
While I see no reason to buy your miner.
Yeah, that's a 2080mhz OC, maybe even higher... Probably also crashed after he took the picture.
You realize people actually mine Lbry so they know rates like this aren't normal, right?
So all this shit aside, good SP is finally trying to make a long term solution here... There is literally no one else doing this except Claymore. Funny all the people bitching about fees. I do agree though that dev fee and flat fee combined are kind of silly though. The whole reason for a miner fee is for long term support and so you can get all the smaller miners in there as well.
A lot of people are now running 1070s. You probably wont see that many people purchasing this till there is some headway made with those units.
What was also mentioned about dual mining profit is true. I really don't think many Nvidia miners have tried out Claymores dual miner yet. Before the recent Lbry pump, 1070 and 970s were making more money on ETH+SIA. It's been that way for about a week.