sp can you post screen about 1070 +5% boost, which would put a 1070 around 300 already
265 *1.05 = 278.25
(on average, not considering too high settings, that are simply useless in a multigpu environment given the absence of rock solid stability)
@bensam: you're not the only one with a "decent" amount invested in cryptos, but there's also a thing callededucation and mutual respect. I understand your frustration in such discussions, but it should be better if you both ignore each others; it's a nonsense to continue like this in every thread you both collide.
@sp: would you be so kind to post hashrates with a human, achievable, frequency? A common 1070, even custom, barely reaches 2000MHz in stability without thermal and power throttling (in a multigpu setup obviously, due thermal complications). Interesting findings about the memory controller btw. Have you measured the difference between the reference values (TDP 150) and TDP to 170 + forced p0 state? Such tests would be much more interesting with watt measures. What's you model of 1070?
Yeah, you have to act remotely intelligent to get respect, Amph acts intelligent and then just posts something you instantly corrected him on. That was what he 'regurgitated' from the guy a couple pages back posting his 280Mh/s 'normal' hashrates for Lbry, which all of us know is complete bullshit. If I could get 280Mh/s per card, I'd love that. Only way you get that is with a 2070Mhz overclock... which is extremely rare. Even my high end cards don't get that if I want to remain stable for 8+ hours.
I already put him on ignore, I had to take him off because he keeps posting misinformation like the above in threads. It derails the topic and spreads bullshit all around people end up believing 'cause the one guy in the thread said it'. Not only does it look bad for SP when he tries to sell his miner, it gives people a false impression of how much they can earn by mining Lbry for instance. That means he's LOSING PEOPLE MONEY. I don't know how lax you are with pissing away your money, but generally speaking... this is bad juju.
I don't know if he's intentionally being ignorant and a troll with malicious intent, but I can only assume so based on his behavior so I'm treating him that way.
My card is trottleing at high speeds I only have a 8pin connector and no powered riser.
My kernal #2 does 293 at a 2100 core and -1000 on the memory (1400)(with nvidia inspector). Tdp changed with the nvidia-smi tool to 170 (limited in the bios) and p0 state.
Anybody know a good tool to reduce the memclock to 500 on the 1070?
Open source can do 190 with 2060 core. So your mod didn't do any better on pascal yet ...
You can increase TDP of your any 150 watt card if you flash bios with 170 watt (palit superjetstream bios for example).
Then with +114% in afterburner you'll get 190 watt. But I'm not sure that any other cards except zotac and palit have proper cooling for this.
That's incorrect, I have two cards that run at 2063 doing 276Mhs... They have a TDP of 120 and never hit it to start throttling.
It's possible to flash your card to another manufacturers bios, I would definitely not suggest it though due to differences in fans and memory types.
I'm curious why everyone is quoting really high GPU speeds? Something say like 1950 is much more common. Fast overclocks are fast, almost no one will be able to hit them though.