1. The difference between a Linux build and a windows builds can be as much as 5%.
so far, not on my algos. But for this one, credits go to tpruvot. He is the windows tech guy
2. A optimalization on the gtx 970, can be slower than on the 750ti.
You are right, but that will happen if you use architecture specific asm, just like the lop.b32 instructions i used to further optimize your already optimum keccak256 kernal.
You can check my github, run it on your machines, but i can't trust your results, whatever you'll claim. Sorry.
But the hashrate on the pool is lower because of a uint32_t overflow in the nonce per thread loop. I have corrected this in #8.
That's what happens when you copy-paste code you dont understand for over a year from algo to algo Mr. "3lit3".
Yet again, by the time you fixed your binaries and brought to your buyers a fixed product, this code was already uploaded in my github fixed, since Feb of this year.
And it's been already a week since the pallas comit on the open-sourced repo.
The reason it was not working in CUDA7.5 came a month later when you reported bigger hashrate in CUDA7.5 and I was trusting your results.
You made me look into it and i found the flaw which was preventing CUDA7.5 to translate the source the same way CUDA6.5 did.
I remember that chrysophylax said both private decred miners were reporting almost the same results, with yours being slightly faster.
But mine was already 15% faster in CUDA6.5 version rather than CUDA7.5 which was reporting less than 1% boost.
That said: From SP_VAPORMOD#1 to SP_VAPORMOD#3 you were selling vaporware.
And you just admitted that from SP_BROKENMOD#4 until, SP_MOD#8 you were selling broken code?
3. I compare my builds to the cryptomining blog builds, and sometimes I build myself. (cuda 7.5 32 bit)
You do it wrong, but i wont charge you (the 3lit3) 0.4BTC to tell you how to measure the actual optimization of your code.
So, what you should do in your case?
At first you should set the hashrate of CUDA6.5 as the new bottom, or at least inform your buyers that it's optimum for CUDA7.5 builds but it still lacks some major performance from the open sourced CUDA6.5 implementation.
//This thing is called respect to the actual work of other devs, which work was brought in public for free, for the credits. Not for BTCsYou cant even claim that you missed my implementation, the code was open sourced, the binaries were available, even cryptomining blog wrote an article about that, and the same article was commented by you in this thread.
I dont see anything that could excuse you for this behavior since you claim to be an experienced developer "who built the fastest ccminer" (an 3lit3) and not just a kid who is just playing around, trying to learn.
Then, you have to find the best arguments, and the best toolkit for the comparison tests.
I could have used tpruvot's version in cuda6.5 (which was proven worse) just to claim a better throughput, but i didnt. Cuz that would be wrong in every aspect since his source works optimally in CUDA7.5.
I also compared the two versions passing the same arguments, e.g. using the same intensity. I didnt use tpruvot's defaults (-i 25 or 27) and pushed mine to it's limits (-i 31) without even trying tpruvot's kernel with -i 31.
That would lead me to falsified results,
just like you were led to.
You can't disagree on the above because, an optimization is not just a higher intensity. With a higher intensity you can claim bigger throughput, but in no case you can claim faster code, because simply the code is the same.
The thing you did with intensity to claim a "15% faster than Provos Alexis kernal" was also a
big time joke.It is the end-users obligation to find the best intensity for their equipment, the dev can only RECOMMEND through the default intensities, cuz you know... variables in programming need to be initialized with a value.
If your buyers had run your code with your default intensity set at 31 on a gpu which was driving their screen, their system would freeze.
That thing you did with intensity was like taking an empty gas tank car, put some gasoline. Drive it and claim you are better than the X car company's engineers because you managed to get an infinite percentage of acceleration on their cars. You see my point?
How do you even claim to be "3lit3" and ask BTC if you cant figure this simple thing out.
Over 'n out