Sp-mod decred private 1 is doing 600mhash @1405 core. 1.7.4 opensource is doing 550 on the same card and clock. Both compiled with cuda 7.5.
Only 0.1 btc guys
I get 1405 Mh/s per 970 and 495 Mh/s per 750 Ti with 1.7.4 with OC. I have no idea how others get 550.
If I was mining Decred I might buy it but I'm not. Eth is much more profitable and uses about 15-20% less electricity.
This is SP's latest private Decred on one of my rigs:
[2016-03-06 13:44:28] GPU #5: MSI GTX 970, 1529.24 MH/s
[2016-03-06 13:44:28] GPU #3: MSI GTX 750 Ti, 603.36 MH/s
[2016-03-06 13:44:29] GPU #4: MSI GTX 750 Ti, 594.94 MH/s
[2016-03-06 13:44:29] GPU #1: MSI GTX 750 Ti, 590.03 MH/s
[2016-03-06 13:44:29] GPU #0: MSI GTX 970, 1538.31 MH/s
[2016-03-06 13:44:29] GPU #2: MSI GTX 970, 1519.09 MH/s
I have all my cards clocked to 1405 core and limited the TDP as much as possible without throttling. Power draw:
132.54 W
43.11 W
35.10 W
127.98 W
32.74 W
Haven't looked at ETH's power efficiency in comparison, but may later...