here is my commandline:
./ccminer -a scrypt-jane:1402845776,4,30 -l t25x2
uses a little more than 3GB
I don't have scrypt-jane:15 settings around, so I'm guesstimating what should work based on the launch parameters I have for scrypt-jane:16. By the way, this:
scrypt-jane:1402845776,4,30 doesn't tell me the current nfactor, unless I have a miner at hand (which I don't). I am assuming you need nfactor 15 in this instance. I find it easier to just set a fixed nfactor and be done with it. During nfactor changes, one always needs to switch to different parameters anyhow, so it's not really adding any work.
So here's some settings for you to try out if you want. I haven't tested these at all, I'm just doing simple multiplication based on some nf16 settings I have on my archives.
./ccminer -a scrypt-jane:15 -L 8 -l t48x8
./ccminer -a scrypt-jane:15 -L 4 -l t48x4
One of these should hit a performance sweet spot, if not, perhaps try with -L 6 for both also.
Some settings will not work on Windows, and even those that do, run much slower there.
Given how it was tpruvot that originally added support for scrypt and scrypt variations to ccminer (from the cudaminer base), perhaps his thread is a better place to discuss further ->
ccminer by tpruvot