most of miners don't donate. fee based miner can be reverse coded by other coders.
so what is a problem with making a group
i am sure donators would donate more if they have non-public miner.
Depends on how it's made. How easy it is to crack, how often the DRM changes (say if you have to keep recracking it every release and each release is each week), and how big the fee is. Using things like encryption, activation, and continued updates makes this a LOT harder to do.
More people have a private miner, the more likely it is people will release it, the less having the private miner means as well. This is the current system and it's offset with extra high cost.
Another offtopic question: what is your most profitable card to get depending on your region?
Edit: where I live it seems the 970 has kicked off the 750 Ti off its throne a while ago.
I think you know the answer. Why do you ask?
I'm mostly curious about the significance of regional differences. So should I wait for the 980/980Ti cards to decrease in price or should I just stuck with the prices I'm given.
Mine and dump etherum(the donut coin) with the slow public kernals... works everywhere, and still profitable....
I don't think there exist any significantly faster private ETH kernels. With your suggestions, I have managed to make the Keccak stages significantly faster, but ultimately the dagger stage clogs the memory controller and defines the hashrate. The algo was designed to scale with memory bandwidth, but in fact it doesn't. The sub-top from both camps perform just about as well as the top range. with the exception of AMD HBM cards, which perform even worse. Pascal will be the same I think.
I've also tried your integrated approach ("free keccak") but I stopped working on it as I figured out pretty soon it wasn't any faster.
Yeah, based on what I've seen, I'm pretty sure Ethereum wont get any faster unless there is some sort of compression mojo that can be worked into things to get past the memory bottleneck.
day dreaming is so cool with you
hope basic hunter/gatherer skills are among your skill...
(yeah may-be after the zombie apocalypse, you'll be able to make a living with that... especially if you are good at throwing spears)
You're a idiot, people don't use spears in the zombie apocalypse. They use things like hammers, knives, or bows, unless noise isn't a issue. Spears get stuck and can't be maneuvered in close quarters.