Hey its been a while that you havent posted up into your own ANN thread.Is there any new updates or development on this site?
Site is more or less ready. As we roll in more money, we plan to get into aggressive advertisement in future.
Its good to see that you do show up some transparency when it comes to total bankroll of the site which is currently sitting on Bankroll: 9.84462836 LTC.
Primary reason of this is that we accept investment in bankroll.
The site did able to get 139 Bets i presumed basing off into that Bet ID thing.
It is the total number of Bet ID generated since we moved to Litecoin blockchain.
0% HE wont remain forever but doesnt mean that this will really be giving out and edge on your part. You/House could always make reductions not on the game itself but rather on the fees that would be deducted.
Not really. We have no hidden cost. Everything is transparent.