Challenge: The person who provides the best way to win 1 BTC using a bankroll of 1 BTC. I will give 0.1 BTC to (payable to their moneypot account).
Assuming the constraints of a dice site such as or 1% house edge, 9900x max payout, 1 satoshi minimum bet. Provide a well-defined betting sequence to maximize the chance of winning 1 BTC. If I don't have the skills to analytically analyse your solution, I will be forced to simulate it over a few billion runs. Your betting sequence must be FULLY specified without any ambiguities.
Let me start with the most obvious solution:
Bet 1 BTC @ 2x ... which gives an EV of -0.01, and a chance of winning at 49.5%
Hello sir, did you got what you looking for to make an ROI 100% as fast as we can in the world of gambling?
If you really want to know it and anyone here want to know it. I can give you my personal tips and trick.. I have a valid prove based on statistic and my experience...
Here my prove at tipster competition, rite now im on 1st position with more than 200% ROI, leaving far behind the 2nd position that can make no more than 150% ROI.
My tips only base on global statistic and math.. If anyone of you interesting, pliss pm me, (i only need some tips to buy lunch)
Note: i can make it on sportsbook betting not on dice gambling