No, our Belize office is our legal address which is necessary for company registration. A legal address signifies the fact that the company has been legitimately registered, and all is well.
Our Amsterdam address is our postal address where you can direct any official claims you might have by mail.
Thanks again. To summarize what you succinctly posted, you don't have an office you operate from. What you provided us is your registration and mailing addresses. Posting these addresses, when you knew what I was asking from you was different, is an attempt to obfuscate and confuse readers.
Our team's main interest is developing great and convenient blockchain products and crypto services in peace, and publicity has never been in the scope of our work. Despite all that, we respect all the rules of the crypto world, and, when we were obligated to implement the KYC procedure, we did so without hesitation. If publishing all the info about our founders and team members becomes mandatory, we will happily oblige.
There are people in our team who are in the public eye most of the time (me, for example, since this is my job as a marketing associate), but the rest of our team members are entitled to their privacy. Actually, I don't think there are that many blockchain complanies all of whose team members are out in the open. We certainly aren't one of those.
Simply put, nobody knows who the members of your your team are. Except the team itself and your partners? So you are anonymous, with no known address, apart from your mailing and registration addresses. And nobody knows who your team members are. So you could be money launderers or criminals for all we know, if we judge you using the same standards you are using to judge the op.
Replying to the bolded part; I read somewhere that your whitepaper had the names and profiles of your team members listed before the current shenanigans started. Why did you delete them, if they were fine publishing them before?
What I see, and I am sure many others do too, is a company trying its utmost to stay hidden. You cannot have your cake and eat it. If you want the community to trust you, and for your company to grow, you have to operate in a transparent manner. Your behavior is sufficient reason for the op to give you the runaround concerning KYC.
I suggest you find an arbiter to help resolve the issues between yourself and the op. There is nothing gained rehashing old arguments. Good luck.