I'll refrain from commenting further till I hopefully speak with Owen in person.
Feel like talking in person? I promise not to be an ass over the phone.
Good luck with that and why all of a sudden you want to speak with me? I'll refer you to this:
You stupid motherfuckin' son of a bitch! My olive branch was earnest upon you asking "what is the beef with you and cyberpinoy anyway?" Now, you're asking for "We are currently accepting community manager requests" while blocking folks from accessing your site. Did you have to give Leroy Fodor a blowjob to learn how to accomplish said feat given that he, too, blocks my IP from accessing his StakeMiners Ponzi? Both of you are complete fuckin' idiots, not realizing that I'm still able to access both your sites via Tor. Maybe you've heard of such an animal (or is it a vegetable? think onion)
I bet it pisses you off to no end that I'm now the new torn in your side, arriving as a Johnny-come-lately after those before me came forward and have already exposed your scammy ass. I'm just picking up where they left off, finding nuggets here and there whereupon others pick up further interest and uncover shit about your scammy ass that I've missed.
Ironic, that this fuckin' microscope wouldn't be up your ass if ONLY you would've distanced yourself from Leroy Fodor, cryptocurrency's number one serial liar. But noooooooo! Not only did you not distance yourself from his scammy ass, you opted to justify your position in conjunction with attacking those who bring light to your scammy ass. That makes you a fuckin' genius!
Oh, and it gets better. Because of your stance, others close to you are now being investigated, e.g., two gals in Georgia closely related to the Cryptsy scam, one of which you went to high school with. I'd say you won't be getting future March 8th birthday presents from them thanks to your stance. Again, you're a fuckin' genius!
I'll close with the following post, making sure that I don't post consecutively so that you won't have a reason to bother the mods again, you asshole.
http://bitcoinscamphinnaeusgage.blogspot.ae/?m=1Bitcoin Scam Protect - Phinnaeus Gage
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Phinnaeus Gage: The Story of an Internet Troll Pt. 5
I want to make my intentions clear. I am not trying to bully Mr. Burno Kucinskas . I am trying to...
Phinnaeus Gage: The Story of an Internet Troll Pt. 4
Why am I dedicating a whole blog for a guy I have never met in my life? That’s a good question. T...
Friday, August 22, 2014
Phinnaeus Gage: The Story of an Internet Troll Pt. 3
Phinnaeus Gage (Bruno Kucinskas) Mr. Bruno Kucinskas , or maybe it’s better if I use his pseudonym Phinnaeus Gage, is still active on t...
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Phinnaeus Gage: The Story of an Internet Troll Pt. 2
Many months have passed and I still haven’t bought the miners I was initially planning to buy. My...
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Phinnaeus Gage - The Story of an Internet Troll Pt.1
Phinnaeus Gage . I happened to bump into this guy's online profile on a bitcoin related foru...
So for the record, you're a fucking idiot. Aside from the incomprehensible "English" in these posts, what's your point? And if Gleb really is Bruno/Phineas/whatever, DOES THAT MEAN PAUL VERNON DIDN'T STEAL MY FUCKING LITECOINS? Grow up dipshit. And use Google Translate before you post.
That blog is maintained by Joshua Zipkin of AMT, another dude who stole millions from his clients. He created it after he threaten to kill me and I filed a police report who went to his Masonic Lodge office address for over a week to no avail, Josh perhaps already in Bulgaria.
Ironically, I have not fear of him really killing me, hence didn't need to file a restraining order on his scammy ass, unlike Josh Zerlan who felt threaten by me because I posted a pic of his master bathroom gleaned from the Internet taken two years before him moving into the
BTC-House, filing for protection four months after the fact. The reason for his actions? Because he and BFL were highly pissed off of my investigations that include funneling info to the FBI, IRS, etc., with Bruce Bourne being instrumental in having Josh pursue the charges.
So, when I started on Leroy Fodor's ass, he thought it be wise to start a scam thread on my scammy ass using info from another scammer and include some bullshit about me being a child raper as his defense against me for posting about all his lies. Now, Leroy has Owen Lueung doing the same exact thing, even being instrumental (assumed) in getting me banned last night for 24 hours). I would've been banned for a week, but because I'm an excellent ball cupper and get paid for my postings according to Leroy Fodor, the mods felt like a token 24h ban was warranted to appease whomever.
That said, I look forward to having a pleasant convo on the phone with Owen.
It seems that Chantha Owen Lueung was banned from FINRA in April 2005 ,because he:" fraudulently recommended and sold the
securities of a certain company to public customers. NASD
found that Lueung told his customers that he conducted an
appropriate investigation and reasonable due diligence into
the company, but failed to do so. The findings also stated that
Lueung made material misrepresentations about the
company’s securities and failed to disclose material adverse
facts that he was or should have been aware of, including the
company’s financial condition. NASD also found that Lueung
made statements about the company and its business,
including stock price projections and guarantees, for which he
had no basis. (NASD Case #CLG050016)"