If by "aggressive" you mean outspoken, I'd have to say only a few of the Chipmixer campaign members have that trait--i.e., there are just a few voices that are very loud, but if you look at the entire spreadsheet you'll see that most participants aren't the ones engaging in drama or voicing their strong opinions about things. So you've overgeneralized everyone in the campaign.
You're right. Not everyone in this campaign is upstart and screamer. I mean only the most noisy ones because they are heard most of all. I think it's obvious.
The best evidence
I am aware of from Chainalysis shows that only 8% of funds being sent to mixers are from illicit sources. Please present your evidence that refutes this and shows instead "massive income" from illicit sources.
Very simple math.
CM spends
just for fun to advertise on a half-dead forum
~$150к per week = $600к per month.
How much does a healthy (normal) businessman usually spend on advertising? Well, let's say that the owner of CM has a sick brain and spends 30% of his profits on BTT.
So CM earns ~$2000к every month
What makes up CM's profit? They claim to be from donations. LOL of course, but let's say....
How much percent of their monthly earnings do brain-healthy people spend on donations? Honestly, I don’t know, but I think it’s definitely not more than 10%.
Does this mean some people transfer no less than $ 20,000,000 through the CM every month?
Well, obviously, these translations are done by honest people who just like libertarian ideas. Do you agree?
Past and present, two different things, did you skip that day at school when they explained the difference?
When you learn Russian as well as I do English, then come here to measure my penis.
I promote CM because I believe that this service brings a lot more good than bad,
Some people believe in the existence of dragons and ghosts. How does this characterize them in your opinion?
about currently online users - 3000 daily active users does not fit into your theory that there is no point in advertising on the forum.
What do you know about theories? Show off your Ph.D.
3000 active users: 1/3 are spambots, 1/3 are disposable newbies, the rest are real users plus their alternative accounts (~50/50 proportion). Here's my theory. It fits well with official data about users online.