If you weren't promoting, you would use PM.
I wasn't pushing Bible except as a response to your Bible bad-mouthing.If my proofs were half-baked, you would be able to step-by-step rebut them. But you can't.
You are the one talking about a zombie Sky Daddy. I wouldn't have mentioned it if you hadn't mentioned it first. So you see? You are the one talking nonsense.
I have rebutted your proofs many times. Each time you ignored them.
You have SAID you have rebutted many times. You might have said wording to the effect of, "I rebut your stuff," many times. But you have never shown the step by step rebuttal. Here is what I mean.
I list my explanations based on science law and nature all the time. How many times have I not listed my 4 websites that explain it all laid out? Now, look what I am doing in this post right here. I am going step-by-step with the things that you have posted, and I am rebutting them. You have never done this with the things in my 4 websites.
You are making exceptions for your God.
He is your God, too. How do we know? He is God of everything. The science proof and the vast evidence of nature is shown here:
You are the one who said he is not of this world and does not follow the cause and effect principle. So if he is imaginary just say so.
If you have never been outside the shed, if you have never looked out a shed window, that doesn't mean that the shed you are in wasn't built by someone. God used the cause and effect principle to turn the things that He made in the beginning, into what they are today. The universe has nothing but cause and effect throughout. It's science law.
Why are you pretending to use Physics to prove something that is not physical (imaginary).
Why are you trying to suggest that physics doesn't apply to the universe? God, Who is NOT under the rules of physics, used physics to build the universe. The things in the links prove it.
BTW, you do not understand the conditions for the 2nd law of thermodynamics so please review them before you use it in your proof. Earth is not an isolated system. We get energy from the Sun, lots of it. Without it complex life would have never developed on this rock.
You don't realize, do you, that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is different than all the theory put together about it. Btw, from
Second Law of Thermodynamics:"Entropy" is defined as a measure of unusable energy within a closed or isolated system (the universe for example). As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.
Note the part that says "the universe for example."
Wake up. God exists. Science and nature prove God.