I really like getting 117mhs again with my 4 cards but if this driver is just going to give headache after headache Im rolling back to Win7 and keeping my 105mhs.
I lowered mem from 2150 to 2100 and it ran a bit longer (previously 10 minutes before crashed windows) but its still crashing the system. Will new miner address issues with Win7 and blockchain drivers? Can anyone give advice for Win10 crashing with new drivers?
You upgraded to windows 10, but did you remember to set 16-32GB Pagefile? Are you using AB 4.4.16 Beta to OC?
Yes using AB 4.4.0 Beta 16
I did forget to check page file after updating. Ill have to see once Im home. I hope its somthing silly like that and it works again >_<
I have a question: what is better? 16 or 32? With 16 isn't enough? I'm using W10 Pro 64bits, 8 GB RAM, G1840 processor, 6x RX 480s (8GB) and H97 Anniversay mobo. Now I'm using 16 but I can't select 2150 for memmory clock because GPU crashes. For now I put 1150/2100 and stable minus GPU0 which is in 1150/2080. Do you think of I set virtual memmory at 32 fix it? Or simply the GPU isn't able to OC more?