Well i just connected my rig to dwarpool. I'm going to give them 48 hours and report back. I think the best would be that someone with a few rigs with the same cards point 1 rig to each pool and report what they get (Flypool,suprnova,dwarfpool,coinmine, etc). That would be awesome I only have 1 rig.
I've done that but it's pointless...
Let's face, mining is always a game of chance!
I've tested dwarfpool with one of my rigs during a period when the pool was unlucky and taking several hours to find a block. Obviously, during that period, flypool was much better for my other rig.
Next day, I got a different result because dwarf was lucky to find a big number of blocks so my dwarf rig made a better profit.
However, those numbers could not be compared with the previous because the network difficulty was really different!
If you point your rig at one pool in days 1,2,3 and then point it at another pool for days 4,5,6 you cannot compare the results because the mining conditions were not the same! ZEC difficulty is like a roller coaster.
1 - If you like to get steady, regular payments, flypool.
2- If you don't mind waiting for hours for a small pool to get lucky; dwarf or suprnova.
3- Don't compare what cannot be compared.
4- Keep a close eye on ETH/ZEC/XMR profitability
5- If you have multiple rigs, spread them across several pools, or even several coins.
Right now I have one rig at flypool, another at ethermine and a single GPU mining XMR
Thanks, Trimegistus for your full answer.