So many people like to look for behavior that is not normal and start a witch hunt for whatever reason. That's the only reason I have made it public.
As for people chasing witches, you're absolutely right. For example, I was accused of non-existent scam by users who use their authority
Support: suchmoon, NeuroticFish, DaveF, The Pharmacist, Betwrong, bitbollo, Lafu, ETFbitcoin, TheUltraElite, TheQuin, dkbit98, DireWolfM14, lovesmayfamilis, logfiles, FatFork, decodx, Poker Player, n0nce, Timelord2067, examplens, BitcoinGirl.Club, pawanjain, LogitechMouse, Fivestar4everMVP, Maasdamer, citb0in, Chahan
Opposition: 16xypjnxlrew
I don't know about you, but if I was flagged by 25 users at once, then I'd think I must've really screwed up somewhere.
To return to the point of discussion:
I don't think any changes to DT are coming in the forseeable future, so I would recommend LoyceV's advice of adding his "Create your own trust list" thread to News, or at least sticky it to Meta. At least more users will use it that way.