Sorry for the nooby request, but If I want to buy a 16 chip assembled board ready to mine, how do I do this the easiest way possible for BTC?, when do you expect to be able to deliver (US) and how many BTC total?
Edit: Ok, I am an idiot. Just noticed the 1.8 BTC total per K16 board including chips. My question still stands reg. expected delivery time to the US.
I assume what I need to do is use the formula as ; ; < Total BTC >; < Total Miner to be assembled>;
and simply send for example: 3.6 BTC for 2x mining ready k16 boards including delivery. Is this correct?
The Avalon chips have to be paid in BTC when you place the order.
You then put the request for the quantity of miners that you need to get assembled.
The Miners Asembly is paid then in fiat (EUR) to a bank account that will be given by PM. This will have to be done within 3 weeks after the chips have beed ordered. This is because we have to order the electronic components and pcbs in full so that we can meet the target price. Some of the components could take up to three weeks for receiving so what we need to order then ASAP.
Delivery of the full assembled miner will be done aproximately 2 weeks after the chips are received.
Thank you for the interest.
bizwoo what type of cooling will you provide? are these boards stackable? do you plan to buy chips upfront then selling hashing ready boards?
Hi RoadStress
We are working on aluminium anodized heatsink, on wednesday we will have some samples. Then we will do test real with 2w for every chip.
The boards are stackable have 4 holes in the corners. For best air flow we recomend to put the boards in vertical position, like avalon ones.
Are we to understand that this means that you will mine for 2 weeks will all chips as a 'quality control'? Seems a little harsh to buyers. Once you have the design down, and have produced the boards you should be able to just build, quick QA the units and ship?
The testing of the customers' (buyers) miners will be done only for 12 to 24h just to ensure they are workinc correctly and to pay for bkkcoins royalties.
We will have chips from earlier buys to get some protos assembled and test all the components before we have to start the actual production of the miners sold using this group buy. This is what nekonos meant with the 2w statement.