BitPay Approval Update: BitPay is going to try to work on my account approval, but they cannot continue until I buy and install an EV SSL Certificate even though I'm using their shopping cart and payment processing. Yes, you read that right, even though my website will be collecting no sensitive information or taking any orders in (remember, that's their back-end doing that on their servers), they are going to require that I buy and install one of the most expensive SSL certs ($500+ per YEAR) that exists. All because some of our business involves re-selling ASICs.
Ack - how am I supposed to afford a $500+ cert? Not to mention, it takes at least a couple weeks to acquire such certification. So silly.
I thought bitcoin was supposed to be the future of eCommerce - with low startup costs and minimal fees. Ha!
So here's the real kicker: Butterfly Labs doesn't even have an EV SSL cert on their website and who do you think processes their bitcoin payments?!?
Anyone more technical than me interested in tweeting BitPay or more specifically Kevin McInturff to see why I, a little merchant just trying to startup, am being held to higher standards than BFL? Color me puzzled!