I've finally joined the TH club! I just received two 60GH BFL Singles today to add to my hodge-podge of ASIC miners. But now I have somewhat of a newbie question that I'm embarrassed to ask.
When you have multiple devices on one worker... dozens of USB sticks or several Singles... should difficulty be set to the sum of that workers GH or what each device in that worker group contributes? Example, I have three 60GH Singles as one worker, should difficulty for that worker be set at 32GH+ or 128GH+?
I saw this was already answered, but I'll add another $.02 worth...
Difficulty is worker based, not user based. Also, while additional workers don't consume much bandwidth, they do consume something. If you have bandwidth limitations, you may notice a difference by figuring out how to get them all on the same worker. That's what I noticed with 3 rigs, each with one or more worker. I noticed a difference in internet response time by pointing my rigs to one local proxy and having that proxy feed all the data to the pool under one worker.
Of course if you don't have bandwidth limitations, ignore this.