It looks like PPLNS is 8-10% less than PPS. If I'm not mistake, that's after all the fees are taken out... Been that way for a couple of days.
PPLNS has been paying less than PPS for the last 3 weeks roughly (with a few days being exceptions). In general, you will spend more *time* influenced by bad luck, but periods of good luck should make up for it. Over the last 18 months since BTC Guild has been PPS (and 2 years as a pool), the pool luck is extremely close to neutral (less than 1% off, and that is influenced by orphans and software issues in the early days more than anything).
Extending the PPLNS average rate is a bit hard to do in a way that provides any meaning since different difficulties would mean different expectations for payouts. It's already a bad number to use for comparison for a few days after difficulties change.
Fair enough. The only time that they are inaccurate is when the difficulty changes, correct? Or am I understanding what the difficulties would be?
You've got great miner charts on there. I think what I would love to see on a chart, would be the rolling 100 shift rate on a chart throughout history. Of course at a difficulty change it would drop by whatever percentage the difficulty would be up. When looking day after day and seeing PPS kicks your but, it would be nice to see those short spikes in a chart somewhere making up for loneliness of PPS