1) Could we get a X day running average of the PPLNS payout at the top along with the PPS?
2) All time high PPS and PPLNS payouts?
3) More instantaneous charts, or reset the charts option? (I don't like the averaging over period where the worker is not working)
4) Highest submitted difficulty shares (Top 5 per user (only visble to user) and top 5 overall)?
- Does anyone know the overall BTC network best shares ever?
5_ Do many people switch from PPS to PPLNS and back to try and get more BTC? Is this frowned upon?
I mean it would still come down to luck I guess, you can switch to PPS if you know the next round won't pay well under PPLNS, but there is no way to tell that. You would just get lucky..
1) PPS Rate is displayed because it is a known constant (for ~2 weeks at a time). PPLNS Rate is subject to variance, so displaying this would be misleading since the past
shifts have no influence on what the next will be paid. The PPLNS Stats page does show a last 100 shift value for people to see how good/bad luck has been in the recent term, but it is only provided as a measurement, whereas the PPS Rate at the top is designed to be informative of current rates.
2) This statistic would not have much use since both of them will always be decreasing due to network difficulty.
3a) I'm looking into adding greater depth on the charts, however it is very demanding given how large BTC Guild is to generate these charts. Additionally, your individual miner is subject to hashing variance, which means the shorter the time frame, the less accurate the charts become. I am trying to implement something for this though!
3b) There is no plan to implement a chart reset, since the data used to generate the charts is also used to generate your 24 hour earnings statistics on PPS.
4) BTC Guild does not keep track of the difficulty of share you submitted, outside of meeting the minimum difficulty assigned to your Stratum connection. Adding this would require rewrites to the Stratum pool code, just to add a feature that serves no purpose other than providing a statistic with no value.
5) Switching back and forth between PPLNS and PPS is fine, just don't trick yourself into thinking you can earn more by doing so. PPLNS is a non-hoppable system, which means there is no way to predictably increase your BTC by jumping on and off of it. If you think you have done so, it is purely a coincidence, and could just as likely have ended up in the opposite direction.
Sorry if it seems very negative, it's just that most of the requests don't add any hard data. I'm all for number porn, but unless the numbers have meaning, they would just take time away from the many other things being added. I tried my best to explain WHY the requests wouldn't be implemented, or what my eventual plans are in the case of #3a.
I think I'd be more happy with all my ideas shutdown by someone smarter than me than have them accepted. This means my dumb ideas won't hurt too many people, once someone smarter than me accepts my ideas, it puts me on par with them. And smart people have a lot of responsibility which means I gain more. And I mean, really, who wants more.... (unless it leads to cash money, secks, and rock 'n roll)
But yeah I see what you mean, I guess I will have to write some stats tools myself. I just want to see, as you said, numb34 p40n. It gets my left hemisphere all excited.
What do you mean you can't tell which PPLNS shifts will pay more!? Ok so I propose, we get two entangled black holes, such that if something enters the event horizon of one it exits the other. And send one to alpha centauri, then bring it back. because of time dilation we now have a time machine. I will send PPLNS shift history back in time to me, rule the BTCwebs, and finally bet more than .01 on satoshidice FTW!
Thanks eleuthria!