Mine shows 19:49
Weird. If you check the source, the page loads with the time hard-coded to proper-UTC. I haven't looked any further yet, but I assume there's some JavaScript wizardry that then ticks the time on. I assume that's where the discrepancy occurs - the JavaScript must be doing something odd in your case.
Edit: there's a function, updateUTCTime, that seems to be using local time to derive UTC. Seems a little long-winded and potentially error-prone. I seem to recall JavaScript having UTC handling built-in... but it's been a long time since I used it. I'll dig further...
Edit 2: yup, the Date object has UTC methods. This is untested, and it's possible dbitcoin has a good reason that I've not thought of for doing it the way it's done, but if it were me I'd start by looking at replacing...
dt = new Date(utc);
dtstring = pad(dt.getMonth()+1, 2)
+ '/' + pad(dt.getDate(), 2)
+ '/' + dt.getFullYear()
+ ' ' + pad(dt.getHours(), 2)
+ ':' + pad(dt.getMinutes(), 2)
+ ':' + pad(dt.getSeconds(), 2);
dtstring = pad(Date.getUTCMonth()+1, 2)
+ '/' + pad(Date.getUTCDate(), 2)
+ '/' + Date.getUTCFullYear()
+ ' ' + pad(Date.getUTCHours(), 2)
+ ':' + pad(Date.getUTCMinutes(), 2)
+ ':' + pad(Date.getUTCSeconds(), 2);