Despite our forum clashes, I humbly and with goodwill ask:
Would you mind de-listing S.DICE temporarily to encourage shareholders to put pressure on the site operators to stop taking advantage of the block chain during this critical stage of Bitcoin growth? I know this might go against your short term financial interests but really if you stop to think about it, the "startup capital" of the Bitcoin network (gmaxwell's terminology for the currently unused space in each block) is going to unproductive activity which does not grow the Bitcoin economy.
If nothing is done about SD transaction spam (economically unspendable outputs which can't be pruned), transaction fees will be driven higher and every miner will bear the cost of forever storing these unprunable tx in their copies of the blockchain. In the long run, increased fees are not a problem but at the early stage we are in, it could dampen Bitcoin adoption or possibly kill it.
I think you are addressing the wrong people here. Asking greedy arrogant people to not be greedy and arrogant just for a moment, is like asking an addicted to pause being addicted.
Maybe you (or those who care about the development of the network) should increase pressure on the miners, since they are the ones, who decide (or "vote with their hash") which course the blockchain will take. If you convince the majority of the network, that it is in their favor to exclude Satoshi-Dust.com addresses ("temporarilly") from the Blockchain, they will block them.
Think of it as the first intervention or shaping of Bitcoinland by its demohashcracy. I know the ultra libertarians will spit in rage now. But take a look at the RealLifeWorld to see what happens, if you allow "total freedom" for a small part of society: a small unproductive and highly egoistic part of it will fuck the rest, ignoring everything else.
It is crazy, that satoshi dust is presenting itself as a gain for bitcoin. Instead they are only taking advantage of a weakness (gambling) of some people and produce NOTHING. Like RealLifeWorld's finance sector
Don't get me wrong. Anyone should have the freedom to gamble. But the fun of freedom is over, when the system that allows that freedom, is in "danger"
“Freedom is the power to choose our own chains”
― Jean-Jacques Rousseau