Lets not forget that S.DICE is operating in heavily regulated industry with out any licence. Comparing this bottom feeders business (gambling) to bottling brown sugar water that makes its drinkers fat and stupid, is a bit silly.
At the end of the day, a bitcoin of earnings is equal to a bitcoin of earnings. The difference in valuation would be treated by the discounted risks and transparency of the business.
The fact that S.DICE is operating, had $230k of income in BTC for the month of December alone, pays a significant BTC dividend and operates with a
censorship-resistant currency adds even more value to the underlying business because it reduces regulatory risk.
In other words, the probability of S.DICE ceasing being a going concern is decreased because it is censorship-resistant. Even if the domain name were to be seized, which is highly unlikely and would take many years of legal process, S.DICE could still operate with the tablet apps.
Meanwhile, the brown sugar water business you are talking about is much more prone to regulatory risk. Plus, it is much easier to freeze, seize and confiscates its assets. The books are much less transparent and at best can really only be audited.
Everything else being equal, those operational advantages should give S.DICE a higher valuation than a brown sugar water business.