Meanwhile, since this post went up five days ago, SatoshiDICE has been making so much money that the IPO price is now only a 9x multiple. SD made over 2000 BTC in net profit today, which is almost a tenth of what I'm asking for in the IPO... earned in one day. Maybe I'm pricing this too low :/ Will post updated stats in the google doc tomorrow.
ShireSilver, I guess you missed this "extremely" important update to boost the sales.
I just like to know, what has changes in the last week. IPO is still going? Or is it?
From the front page:
There will be three blocks of shares released:
1) 2 million shares @ 0.0032 btc (Aug 24, Midnight GMT)
2) 5 million shares @ 0.0034 btc (Aug 25, Midnight GMT) - as of today, is this part even completed?
3) 3 million shares @ 0.0037 btc (Aug 26, Midnight GMT) - as of today, never started?