Your time will be considered for only one running client
However, you can run two different wallets, provided that it will be located on different servers
Thanks, that is reasonable! Just important to know that there won't be any conflicts.
I have another Question, sorry for not asking, it occurred to me only later.
When I am not comfortable to put my passphrase in a plaintext file ( clientConfig.js ), can I just put the real password in there, start node, and then take the password out again to not keep it there?
Depends on whether node accesses it repeatedly or only at boot, I guess... I'll just give it a try!
You can enter the password via the web interface
Good! I have managed to set up a node on a Digital Ocean VPS!
I chose the smallest one: the 512MB 1 CPU for $5 per month. It seems to be running well, and the install of nodejs on ubuntu was easy too.
By the way:
When I enter my password on the node entry page and connect to somewhere over the internet, my password is NOT transmitted unencrypted, I hope?
From my experience:
After give up account from Digital Ocean, they do not delete your personal files (great mistake).
So beware of files or passwords saved there.
Thanks for the hint!
Good that I am paranoid about this, because I made an encrypted file container that has to be mounted in order to be used,
and the password has to be entered on the console! So when the VPS is shut down, the file is locked!
dd if=/dev/urandom of=MYxyzFILE bs=11024 count=11024
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat MYxyzFILE -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512
sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/myDeviceName
mkdir ~/my-mount-point
#ok: this creates the /dev/mapper/secDev0 entry in /dev!!!
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen MYxyzFILE myDeviceName
sudo mount /dev/mapper/myDeviceName MYxyzFILE
sudo umount /mnt