Oh, so to put down the whole network one should simply ddos only main nodes?
No, How can You imagine this
Any Linux client can be main peers,
for the operation of network 100% us enough 1 main peer, and they can be 10,1000,10000 ..... main peers
we also wrote 10 000 connection, actually on technology node.js withstands over 100 000 connection
Oh, again strange answers.
You say "Any Linux client can be main peers" - it means Any Linux client can be or cannot be main peers - so it means nothing.
You say "for the operation of network 100% is enough 1 main peer, and they can be 10,1000,10000 ..... main peers" - so it means to shut down the whole network one should simply ddos only 1 main peer, 10,1000,10000 ..... main peers - so answer to my question is "Yes", not "No"
BTW, can NODE network consist of 10000 main peers and 1 non main peer? Or non main peers must always be 10x, 100x of main peers?