all it proves is that people take their money. that's it...
none of the EAC votes here was made due to a bribe/payment
lotto is completely artificial astroturf
EAC is grass roots
All the people who're voting for EAC are waiting to see it at cryptsy and dump in your faces.
Plus, ''that money'' will be in circulation, which means? Oh, right, you're just a hater, you don't use your own brain
dude: you know no shame... you're PAID to post here. you're on a PAYROLL.
You can get your DOGE address at
Happy holidays!
I've been hired by DataCoin crew.
Feel free to follow on twitter and get informed about all the giveaways I do.
Thank You
and you change your allegiances faster than a turncoat on speed and with tons of coats in his coat drawer
now you work for lotto... tomorrow for the next meme coin....
nothing you say has any content or conviction behind.
why don't you just post a few dollar signs and the name of the coin you're paid to push
and behind that a timer that gives people a sense of how long you will hold this position, i.e. how soon you're gonna be paid by another coin
I'd color code it, too
here, as a suggestion:
keyersozemc $$$ lotto t minus 42 hours
I promote each coin for ONE week.
First coins I promoted FOR fun were; DOGE, EAC, so I can build my community. Smart, huh?
Thanks for your research tho
I appreciate your attention!
PS: Oh, forgot to mention that I gave more than 2.5k USD from my own pocket in coins just to build my twitter community.