The team has thought this through very well and put nearly three years into it within the bitcoin casino world. It can work exceptionally well, but you must have checks on withdrawals and you must have mechanisms in place to protect against unconfirmed transactions which the staff does as well as no poker.
If it works so well why did stop using the 0 confirmations? That aside it is looking good and loving the dice tournaments which looks fun and even better because you get to check one of them for free, count me in and at least you are not bringing the same as everything else that is already out and there is clearly an attempt to bring more to the table. I will be standing by to see how you do and testing the instant deposits and withdrawals.
Thank you for your comments, Betcoin stopped because as mentioned above: With poker websites it is not possible at this time to do instant deposits with zero confirmations and instant withdrawals because of the collusion, chip dumping and abuse that must be investigated as well as the potential for an unconfirmed transaction and transfer.
With instant deposits, an unconfirmed deposit is credited which could then be dumped. Without poker we can control that. We have many new features including many of which will be integrated into
We welcome you and good luck!