For what it's worth... we have only investigated roughly 0.00000000000000000000001% of the universe... we have no clue how common or uncommon this is
Also... god does not exist... so no, its definitely not "because god"
Just stop already... fucking stop trying to blame god for everything in the universe... THERE IS NO GOD
I wonder how you will feel when you grow very old, die and find out that there is a God after all... He just can't be seen with the physical eyes.
By the way, I want to ask you a question, did your computer exist by accident?
Because you evolutionist claim that the universe, which is the most complicated thing in existence happened by accident!
How many times did your chocolate waffles happen by accident?
Waiting for your answer...
You do not understand evolution at all... I will explain
Evolution starts with small, random changes...
If the change is beneficial, the person will live longer, and have more sex, more children, spreading their genes
If the change is not beneficial... the person will die sooner, and not have many children
Over the course of millions of generations, these small changes add up into large changes... while survival of the fittest makes sure that only the best genes survive
It really is not far off from your computer analogy... computers have evolved too... I have a stick of RAM that used to hold 1MB... nowadays the same size and shaped stick can hold a million times as much information...
My first computer did not have a sound card... the sound card is equivalent to an animal evolving a new organ, like a liver or gall bladder
A big difference is that computers don't have sex to reproduce... kinda rules out the process of evolution through random mutations, survival of the fittest, and gene pools... humans decide which changes are beneficial and implement them... this is artificial selection (similar to how we breed dogs)