Incorrect. People have speculated that potentially an attacker powered by non-public mathematical breakthroughs could select parameters in a way to make a system weaker against publicly-unknown attacks which require specific improbable curve characteristics. This is pure conjecture, however— though it's something prudent to be cautious about, it is not a known backdoor vector by itself. The process for selecting curve parameters already excludes known classes of bad curves, if we knew about any other classes we'd exclude those too. In the case of Bitcoin our parameters were selected in a way where performance considerations removed their degrees of freedom (like the ed25519 parameters were selected), and are all explicable from first principles. In fact, they have an additional property that even if you drop some of the performance characteristics, and increment from the smallest possible parameter requirement the first curve of prime order you find is the one Bitcoin uses. Other cryptosystems also use nothing up my sleeve numbers, where an abundance of caution demands the designers pick them in a way that limit their degrees of freedom but at the same time no one knows of a way where control could be used secretly to do something bad— it's just a good practice, not a backdoor closed.
In the case of the GGPR'12 based SNARKs there is no comparable way to generate the parameters: The creation of the prover/verification keys requires computation using secret values, which— if known— completely compromise the soundness of the proofs. Here the backdoor is very concrete— not theoretical— when you know just a couple of the secrets you can do a few multiplies and have a false proof. Worse, there is no known way to use a nothing up my sleeve number to pick the parameters to convince people that no one could know the secrets. The best you can do is use process, like the CA system does (but potentially way better) to convince people of security. This isn't insurmountable for _many_ applications, but it is not at all comparable to EC curve parameters, there is nothing in curve parameter selection that looks like a magic number where if the attacker knows it all is lost. As far as I know there nothing like this in widespread use, the nearest parallel I can think of is the backdoor in DUAL_EC DRBG, though in that case the backdoor was a "surprise" and no process to prove that the potential backdoor wasn't weaponized (because it was)— which certantly makes it more concerning. There are a fair number of proposed _theoretical_ cryptosystems which have similar assumptions (e.g. Any of the neat uses of obfuscation involve the obfuscation being established by a trusted party), but I'm not aware of these systems being put into production. One reason for this may be because theoreticians find trusted initialization to be more acceptable than practitioners do— the theoreticians just posit "A spherically honest cow in random-oracle derived motion faithfully creates the parameters", the practitioners are the ones that have to figure out how to approximate the spherical cow using three chickens, a reed-solomon code, and a priest.
It seems to me that, given some BTC developers' hostility toward their technology, they'd have an incentive to strike out on their own
Funny, I've seen similar disinformation
published before— that person was unwilling (unable) to substantiate it— can you do better?
The comments I made on Zerocoin were, I think, reasonably positive— but at the same time the system as it was wasn't suitable for deployment, and was later replaced by a complete reboot with much better performance (also evidence by the fact that no altcoin has deployed it, though they made a nice implementation of the cryptosystem available). I don't think there was anything hostile there, I've spent time with the developers of it and I think they're great guys, ... and I don't know any other developers who have been hostile about it either, so I'd really like to know what you're talking about.
This has really gone off-topic, but I thought leaving the FUD sitting around would be harmful.