Your balance will be available next time you visit this website by means of a cookie.
If you would like to use your balance on another computer you may login at using the following credentials:
User ID8277-db77-0062PasswordARIUm9Eyt1fGNL
The user id and the password are all run in to each other as you can see. Maybe put some spaces or something in there?
Edit: the same issue happens if I copy/paste the bet history:
There must be some way of making copy/paste work better even though you're not using HTML tables.
Edit: also, there's no feedback if the number I type into the 'select game' form is too big. I'd like it to tell me what the maximum number is at that point, rather than having to switch back to the FAQ or wherever I saw it before.
Edit: Custom games <64175 through <64238 all pay out the exact same multiplier (1.01x). You should probably use more decimal places for the high-probability low-multiplier games so that the payouts are more fair. The <64175 game pays out just 1.01x, that's a 1.097% house edge, almost 10% higher than the claimed 1%. It looks like you're rounding the multiplier down, so the house edge goes higher than 1%, further in the house's favour:
In this example I was paid
0.0001 0100
when a true 1% edge game would have paid 0.99 * 65536/64175 * 0.0001 =
0.0001 0109 (9555)
ie. the 100 satoshis I won 'should' have been 109 or 110 satoshis (10% more):
Note that it isn't just the high-probability, low-payout games that have this issue. <21620 through <21626 all pay out exactly 3x.
Also, it would be good to see the payout multiplier in the table of previous games played.
The 'withdraw' popup doesn't have a 'cancel' button or an 'x' in the corner to close it, and escape doesn't get rid of it either. Clicking 'withdraw' again got rid of it, but that's a little less than obvious.
Other than all that (all of which is really minor) I like how the game works.