it is the last news from CM official website source :
https://coinsmarkets.com/walletstatus.php positively they will soon repair
Warning about other domains
Time : 2018-01-30
Only official domain for our site is coinsmarkets.com ,all other are fake , used to steal your data , Pin will be reset before starting site again ,
Time : 2018-01-27
We finally find a new home for our servers and domain name , please be patient , we understand that we took a long time to fix , we already explained the reasons , Once again we are sorry , There can be some redirect to new servers and domain name , please do not bombard new host and mail registrar , the service is getting restored .
More delay
Time : 2018-01-25
Now gandi (Domain registrar) took over our domain , we are working with them to restore access , Please stop bombaring hosting and domain registrar , You are just delaying the process of getting back coinsmarkets online.
About the down time ,
Time : 2018-01-19
First let us explain what is coinsmarkets , we are based on 2 investor , 1 admin , 1 coder , 2 senior support and 4 general support .
In November last year 1 of senior support left the team , It is hard enough to hire a new one , this work is based on a lot of trust , so we still waiting for correct condidat .
Now let's move to the issue , in December we experienced a lot of new users and huge volume , we were ready for double or even triple volume but in our case it was 10x +.
From here all kind of problem start with servers ,
Now add to that the last senior support remaining have some family issue and was forced to be off most of the time .
In addition to all that there was some db corruption issue we faced due to the overload and later hosting issue.
So a lot of work to do with a lot of missing stuff.
Please understand that in exchange you can't just go and hire someone and trust him millions of dollars .
We are sorry for lack of comunication about issue we have thought that people already trust us enough , and we invested 100% of time in restoring the site .
Now issue with hosting , hosting complained about a lot of fraud report from users about our service . We find this really hard to explain , it is clear that not even a single coin has moved from our wallets , and once again we are here to stay ,
We have not even released 10% of our road map , there is a lot of new future to be added in the nearest future.
A week ago we started negoation with new host that can accept similar service , we initiated the move ,
The Database was fixed yesterday night .
Now remain to setup new servers , few fix here and there and service will be restored ,
We write our news only in coinsmarkets news section , any twitter , chat msg etc is a scam ,
Again Official Coinsmarkets message are written only in coinsmarkets news section .
Servers issues
Time : 2018-01-03
We have few servers issue we are working on fixing them , all should be back to normal soon,