
Topic: Cop broke the windows at Autozone which sparked riots across America - page 2. (Read 1176 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
there are multiple enterpretations of this,

the cop could be an antifa leftists trying to help black people loot

or he could be a rightwinger, try to scale up the damage of black protesters

Or he could be a power freak high on power, as he was shown to be in past events of his career. Floyd seems to have been high on some kind of meth at the time.


Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
there are multiple enterpretations of this,

the cop could be an antifa leftists trying to help black people loot

or he could be a rightwinger, try to scale up the damage of black protesters

Or he could be a power freak high on power, as he was shown to be in past events of his career. Floyd seems to have been high on some kind of meth at the time.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
there are multiple enterpretations of this,

the cop could be an antifa leftists trying to help black people loot

or he could be a rightwinger, try to scale up the damage of black protesters

Or he could be a power freak high on power, as he was shown to be in past events of his career. Floyd seems to have been high on some kind of meth at the time.

sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
there are multiple enterpretations of this,

the cop could be an antifa leftists trying to help black people loot

or he could be a rightwinger, try to scale up the damage of black protesters
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
"Yuri Bezmenov - Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society"
Activity: 3696
Merit: 5269
It's not like they need to stage a cop killing a black guy for any sort of false flag. That stuff happens so often you may as well stage a false flag of a liquor store getting robbed.

The key is to prepare the hype. Just like Corona virus...take something that is common, hype it up to make it seem like something huge, make sure people are scared...more government.

Yep, just like you said, police situations like this one happen nearly every week somewhere in America, or somewhere in the world.

The difference is that the MSM has the power to *choose* whether or not to keep media coverage of those events repressed/invisible, or bubble them up to the surface (front page) at just the right moment. They also have the power to then hype it into the stratosphere.

Would the MSM highlighting this police situation have worked as well if done last year, or the year before that, or the year before that? Would it have made the same impact on the public?

Nope. Because everyone had a job then, unemployment was at an all time low, people were being told the world economies were recovering, and the stock market was flying to new ATHs. The powers that be know not to piss on that parade while positive sentiment is ripping higher and higher. Best to wait until after the crash to fan the flames of racism, social injustice and inequality, which are always there under the surface, waiting to come roaring out again.

The people are constantly being played like a fiddle, and it seems to work every single time. We've seen FUD work to crash the Bitcoin market, and to increase the ongoing bear market. Why then people can't see the same forces at work in the larger world, I can't understand.

To paraphrase Satoshi, "If people can't see it for themselves, I don't have time to explain it to them".
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
It's not like they need to stage a cop killing a black guy for any sort of false flag. That stuff happens so often you may as well stage a false flag of a liquor store getting robbed.

The key is to prepare the hype. Just like Corona virus...take something that is common, hype it up to make it seem like something huge, make sure people are scared...more government.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1598

Now circle the ears and tell me where exactly do they look the same. Wouldn't have denied this if it was obvious the cab movie guy looked identical, but he does not.

+ it would've been kinda.. stupid to choose a movie actor that clearly has his face on a movie poster as a false flag actor. By the same supposition you could also agree that the Keanu Reeves is immortal meme is legit as he shares the same facial features as some guy from 1530.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Fakest thing ever, at least up to that point.  At this point they don't even try to act any more since they know that most of you sheep will believe anything presented on Fox, CNN, PBS, etc.  And I do mean anything!

didnt you get the memo? alex jones promoted that it was fake to get people to buy his gun related stuff.. and later admitted sandy hook was real


Alex Jones initially presented Sandy Hook as real.  The first thing out of his pie-hole was 'not everything is a fake staged event.'  I happened to be watching like a hawk at the time because I've had a running fascination with Jones' game for a long long time.

Next a ton of people poked a ton of holes in the whole silly charade, and anyone with a pulse could see a the hoax a mile away.  Only at that point did Jones jump on the band-wagon as sort of a damage-control thing.

Years later when TPTB decided to use Sandy Hook (instead of Boston of one of the zillion of other fake 'school' or 'theater' shootings) as the event to bring the hammer down on truthers did Jone's tiny balls totally retreat into his abdomen for good.  By that time I was paying nearly no attention to his bullshit.

Nowhere in Jones' defense that he 'never said Sandy Hook was fake' did I see him present the very solid evidence that he was pumping the fraud and doing apologetic for the perps on the first day or two.  But again, by that time I had pretty much stopped paying attention to his sorry fat zionist ass all together.

Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
Come on.. the guy was smart enough to cover so much of his face that you can't recognize him. If many of us have twins "from another mother" (lookalikes) that share an >80% identical facial features, imagine how easy it is to find lookalikes from a picture of only some eyes and almost invisible eyebrows. You could be recorded in a constant face expression different to your natural one (say frowning) and you'd get very different results.

It's quite useless imo to try recognizing the Autozone guy by matching his eyes with someone else's unless there is a VERY close match and you have at least one detail like if the guy really is a disguised cop as many say. A very close match of a police officer could be helpful then, but with the information we currently have.. I'd think it's a waste of time.

Yes, the cop did well to try to hide himself. He likely didn't think someone would get as close to him as they did. And when they did he said "do you want to get arrested?". And when someone screams "Are you a cop?" he responds "does it matter?".

Certainly there is not any "proof" at this point, all speculation. We know that the police will not be investigating this guy. If they were trying to find who it is then that would lend some credibility to the fact that this guy is likely not a cop. But they aren't.

The two points here that would provide the proof would be the guy on twitter who received the girl's text messages getting proof of whom it was and having her verify that it was her and that she knows it was him.

A freedom of information act release of the body camera for Pederson at the time of the window breaking would provide the proof that he was not involved as the police department stated.

There were two quick investigations into this.

The first one being the guy releasing the video, someone took a still of the video to show the guy close up, someone else sees it and sends a text to the girl asking if it was "Jake" (not Jacob as a lazy scammer trying to set someone up would do), this person getting confirmation then posting the text on twitter as a follow up to the picture posted.
Occam's razor puts this as the simplest explanation for those chain of events.
The scam version would be. Guy puts the video up, someone puts up a still picture. Someone else searches to find someone in the St Paul police department that could possibly look like the guy in the close up knowing that if they get a better image their little scam will be destroyed, they come up with some fake text messages coming up with a new story about how those are her gloves, her mask, throws in the nickname of "Jake" on the assumption that this guy goes by the name "Jake" with friends, which would also destroy his scam if people close to the guy verify that nobody calls him that. They then send it to the twitter guy who has many followers and would be able to easily verify the identity of the person sending the text messages.

The second investigation was from the police department. They see some posts about one of their own being outted as the window smasher. They spend about 30 minutes figuring out what to say. They post an announcement that the guy was not Jacob Pederson. End of investigation.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 2073
In my opinion, both cases: George Floyd's strangulation and the story about the guy hitting the window with a hammer are staged by Trump's opponents in order to sow mistrust to the police in the USA and, against this background, to stage a mass riot in order to show Trump as a bad president.

I think this whole situation has turned into some kind of hysteria, Don't you think so?
sr. member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 305
Pro financial, medical liberty
I mean... ears, nose, eyes, mouth, chin, forehead, hairline... none of them look like the officer's.

Yes the mustache line, the shape and scare on eyebrow, the particulars of the nose, chin.....on photo is head on at the other one looking up..
Link with bigger pic

Where is the left eyebrow shape/scare of the accused?

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534

heres the real funny

the mgtow idiot in the video is on tiptoe and angling knee upwards.
but shouts 'look at this guys look at this this is exact position'
yet the photo. even in Tash's post shows the cops foot was sideways with nearly the ankle touching ground and knee at different angle than the idiot mgtow video guy

no wonder the mgtow guy is a failed actor that only got parts as an extra.
guess he wasnt good at learning lines or following direction. cant even get the details right when there is both picture and video available

i bet the guy lives in his car, but thinks he is a good actor worthy of IMDB credit. and when in shows, his director would tell him to have foot sideways to have ankle near ground to really get close. and the guy would just keep screaming at his director, 'look at this look at this' im in the exact position.
.. while remaining on tiptoe (facepalm)

as for the pic of another actor.. well its not him. but tash loves to clutch at straws
seems certain idiots just copy and paste stuff without actually thinking about it.
its like they are on auto sheep pilot just copying stuff they seen in a video without a moments thought
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
rumours are this guy done it
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1598

Come on.. the guy was smart enough to cover so much of his face that you can't recognize him. If many of us have twins "from another mother" (lookalikes) that share an >80% identical facial features, imagine how easy it is to find lookalikes from a picture of only some eyes and almost invisible eyebrows. You could be recorded in a constant face expression different to your natural one (say frowning) and you'd get very different results.

It's quite useless imo to try recognizing the Autozone guy by matching his eyes with someone else's unless there is a VERY close match and you have at least one detail like if the guy really is a disguised cop as many say. A very close match of a police officer could be helpful then, but with the information we currently have.. I'd think it's a waste of time.

Honestly, how can you be certain of any photo posted online anymore when AI websites like this exist now?

What's stopping the MSM to use headshots generated from such sites when they post deaths from mass shootings, riots, terrorist attacks, or even criminal suspects of such? This tech is perfect for false flag events. The public would never be the wiser.
AI + DeepFakes in combination with some other effects and technologies could produce some astonishingly realistic stuff any eye could easily believe. Scares me when I think about the way we could be literally deceived into a world war at any point through a 100% AI-generated video. See what happens after Floyd's case turned worldwide? Imagine how much violence and unrest an AI-produced footage could generate.

To be honest, I often wonder if part of the news I see are even real anymore. I mean, let's not forget the Tom Hanks Saturday Night video where you'd need only 5 minutes of photo/video manipulation experience to notice the unrealistic head and .. the surprising baby hands this old man has in the video Cheesy

The UK Coronavirus strategy paper clearly says that "The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging" and that a "substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened", these two quotes providing a lot of strength to your reply. Nothing's stopping them anymore - they have too many supporters for it to even matter whether they ever mislead the public or not.

Moreover, the MSM has been caught so many times in the past few months with misleadingly using emotional images and videos to induce fear or panic that trusting them 100% and saying "Not the MSM, not a credible source!" is plain stupid. The Onion is more believable nowadays than most "credible sources" are. Sadly.

I mean... ears, nose, eyes, mouth, chin, forehead, hairline... none of them look like the officer's.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
elwar posts more stupid stuff.. and even the tries to post another pic showing that the pic is not evidence even though he is posting a topic that it is evidence. even when that pic is trying to tell him to not be a sheep. he is still a conspiracy faux media sheep.
so then he doubles down with a fake text message pic.
so in response ill do the same just to show how easy it is to fool an idiot
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Of course, the George Floyd murder is one of many police murders. Simply check the number of hits when you Google "police brutality." People are starting to get fed up with these jokers who are there to protect them, but are messing with their freedom instead.

Then the police do the stuff in the second article below. And the governors call in the Reserves making it all the worse.

When you read the founding fathers reasons for including in the Constitution the ability to have a military, they seemed to say that the military should be small in times of peace, but strong enough to defend from foreign countries. The excellent article at shows us that the people were supposed to be the ones to defend against criminality within the country.

But government seems to have focused the military within, and this military is taking lives of the people unnecessarily, and often with impudence. In addition, the courts are not allowing the people free action to get rid of the criminality by this internal, hired military.

Movement to defund police gains 'unprecedented' support across US

The movement to defund the police is gaining significant support across America, including from elected leaders, as protests over the killing of George Floyd sweep the nation.

For years, activists have pushed US cities and states to cut law enforcement budgets amid a dramatic rise in spending on police and prisons while funding for vital social services has shrunk or disappeared altogether.

Government officials have long dismissed the idea as a leftist fantasy, but the recent unrest and massive budget shortfalls from the Covid-19 crisis appear to have inspired more mainstream recognition of the central arguments behind defunding.

"To see legislators who aren't even necessarily on the left supporting at least a significant decrease in New York police department [NYPD] funding is really very encouraging," Julia Salazar, a New York state senator and Democratic socialist, told the Guardian on Tuesday. "It feels a little bit surreal."

Floyd's death on camera in Minneapolis, advocates say, was a powerful demonstration that police reform efforts of the last half-decade have failed to stop racist policing and killings. Meanwhile, the striking visuals of enormous, militarized and at times violent police forces responding to peaceful protests have led some politicians to question whether police really need this much money and firepower.

The twisted psychology of militarized police uniforms

As protests over the death of George Floyd intensify across the United States, many police officers aren't confronting the crowds in their regular blue or black uniforms. Instead, their attire comes off as far more aggressive.

In Minneapolis on Saturday, state police wielded batons and wore helmets with face shields, knee-high boots, and external bulletproof vests. That same evening in Seattle, Washington, members of the King's County Sheriff's department patrolled the city in green fatigues, shoulder and knee pads, and what appeared to be gas masks. Similar scenes have played out across the country.

"It looks like a war zone when police officers are wearing dark battle dress uniforms, and they're joined by the National Guard wearing camo, carrying M14 and M16 rifles," says Michael Birzer, professor at the school of criminal justice at Wichita State University, and a former police officer. "The police want to project a show of force and one way you do it is just by your sheer presence in uniform." At a time when distrust of the police is rampant, particularly among black people, these uniforms further strain officers' relationship with the communities they're supposed to protect.


Police uniforms aren't just utilitarian garments; criminal justice scholars say they're also designed to project symbolic power. Birzer points out that the original navy blue police uniform was designed to give the impression of safety and competence, whereas combat uniforms signal the potential for violence. Several studies have found that citizens perceive police officers clad in traditional black or blue as friendlier and more honest than those wearing military-style fatigues that are green or camouflage.

Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
And for some reason Umbrella Man comes back to the Autozone later.
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