It looks like the coronavirus was intended to be something that showcases China's ability to detect, and contain viruses better than the US. It is believed that "patient zero" worked in the Biolab in Wuhan, China and subsequently spread the virus to others in Wuhan.
If this is true, I would expect the world to go to War with China within a year.
There are legitimate reasons for working with such a virus in the appropriate lab.
What most likely happened, something went wrong. Someone blundered, didn't follow protocol. Some idiot on the street found a way to get dead test animals from the lab, sold them in the market. etc, etc.
There are legitimate reasons to be working with viruses in labs, but not legitimate reasons to do the above. The fact that so many thousands of people have been killed and that it has overwhelmed healthcare systems in Europe (Italy and Spain), will make people upset enough that citizens will demand war. China selling PPE that was previously donated by the country that is buying it back and the selling of defective tests is going to make citizens more upset with China.