You have a great imagination and a good idea, somehow i still believe that music industry can't be saved in that way, since it's not preventing piracy, it's just making sure that the one that paid has the ability to stream. Problem comes when someone want's to audio-tape stream and put it on U-Torrent or simmilar. Torrent's have to be banned and blocked by every ISP and problem is solved forever.
imagine that when playing there was a (out of ear's frequency range) a soundbite that was the address of the user. you personally cant hear it. but any sound ripping software or lowtech (tapedeck to speaker) method, recorded it. and then when on torrent sites. the music labels can use sound software to get to the address soundbite part. find out who ripped it. then ban that user from ever getting another song from them.
similar theory to how all files have metadata hidden inside
.. a new thought 1 minute after writing ..
now comes the problem of multiple user accounts to avoid the ban.
.. a new solution 1 minute after writing ..
knowing the address that recorded and uploaded to a torrent site. (if part of a subscriptions app where funds are deposited) youtube/spotify/bitcoin developed music service can then 'fine' deduct $0.0008 out of the users account per seed/leach sen on the torrent site, thus De-incentivising people from uploading to torrent sites as it would end up personally costing them