I'm a movie buff, but not a huge fan of sports/reality TV/etc., so if they can stand my obsession with filmmaking, random conversations about anything from the weather to quantum string theory (hasn't happened yet, but I'm sure someday I'll be hellbent on talking about it), and my somewhat cheesy smile, that'll be a pretty damn epic relationship.
For me, it's just a matter of location and interest. I managed to go on a trip to Europe where I was repeatedly told I looked like Superman. I don't see it, but I'll take that compliment anyways.
Haha, don't worry my conversations usually go to wonders about physics and biology most of the time..and then people look at me strangely...
I can second that. Being "nice" to girls just gets you into the Friendzone.
Read Tucker Max . Don't be an asshole (like Tucker), don't abuse chicks but realize that girls are attracted to alpha males. And alpha males are confident, and a bit of a dick. Beta males are nice. This is why they make such nice friends. You will be so nice and understanding when they weep on your shoulders about that total dick that they fell for who *surprise - surprise * turned out to be a dick!