creative ways to come back from rejection
Don't put yourself in a position to get rejected.
As you carry on more and more conversations with her, make sure you're really listening and not just hearing her. Never interrupt her when she's speaking. During the course of the conversation, somehow takeaway something she mentioned, but don't elaborate on it. I'll give you a real life example.
One day, me and girlfriend went to an upscaled mall to do some shopping to augment her wearing apparel. After parking, then proceeding to the entrance, she abruptly stops, and with excitement picks up a dime. A quick exchange pursued whereupon she said, "You don't know about me and dimes. Dimes are like power pieces to me." (New Age lingo) I replied with an, "Ah!"
Come the following day, I entered our bedroom where she was putting on her shoes. I stopped her from completing that task and told her to wait a sec. I left the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Shortly, I returned and told her to close her eyes. I led her barefooted from the bedroom to the hall and walked her to the living room. Then I told her to open her eyes. What she saw 360
o were a hundred dollars worth of dimes laying on the floor in the entire apartment with the exception of the bedroom from where we started. Immediately, she starting crying (I guess so did I). That's how powerful dimes were to her. That's how powerful listening to what she says is.
Later that night, I received a well deserved piece of ass preceded by a blowjob one would die for, and it all started with some stranger losing a dime.
In normal conversation, your lady friend may state that she likes such and such flower. Register it, and surprise her with the biggest batch you can afford. But don't make the mistake of asking her what flower she likes, then going out to buy a couple of them. She's already rewarded others via that approach, thus the surprise factor is already used up.
If she's wearing perfume, simply tell her that smells nice and you like it, without asking her what it is. The chances are good, she'll tell you the fragrance. When she does, don't elaborate, but do retain the info.
Think of it as a game. I'll assume you know how to play games. The goal is to win her without her knowing that she's being gamed. At the end of the game, please report back to your friends here, going into great detail about the epic blo....
Whatever you do, don't tell her about you being a member of BitcoinTalk or what you're pseudonym is, otherwise you're going to wake up one day while she's giving you a coffee edema.
~Bruno K~