Imagine someone you know telling you that it will take him 12 years to pay off his debt,
12 years! That’s a lot of debts and come on, how do some gamblers really get it this far and still continue… oh! Don’t tell me. The singular idea that they would win and get to repay most of the debts incurred through gambling from gambling.
It’s often sad when some reckless gamblers don’t realize how they got there in the first place. July thinking of many possibilities and they ended up accumulating more debts. Well, some of those debts could turn out to be bad debts.
Which makes me think that Credit card is far more helping to fuel gambling addiction more than anything else, you don't actually have the money, but you can still gamble, this alone will make people to lose their minds and gamble anyhow.
you should stay away from using Credit card to gamble online, it sure would easily throw you out in the street, homeless.
You’re not supposed to gamble when you don’t have money to fulfill this desire. People ought to realize that, gambling from loans, credits, and from money your given for safe keeping or anything of that sort offers more risk than when you use your funds as, your pressured for a win and that could make you take more risk as per the wins and this could end badly.