Sometimes the convenience provided by credit cards can be a disaster for those who do not understand good financial management, especially in the case of using credit cards for gambling. Using credit cards for gambling can be much worse because besides users increasing debt by using credit cards, they also use them for something unproductive which can disrupt their finances. Credit card companies should prohibit the use of credit cards on gambling platforms, but it is a shame that they do not care about such things.
I very much agree with this.
Credit card usage can pose a danger to the user especially if the user himself doesn't know financial management and isn't disciplined and responsible enough to learn it. Credit card offer convenience and ease of use, however, most of the time, the card holders bring headache upon themselves because they commit the usual mistake of using their cards irresponsibly such as doing excessive shopping and gambling without checking if they can still pay their dues afterwards. Hence, it will really be a good thing if there will be a policy about credit card usage intended for gambling. Might as well limit the possible expenditure per person or do not allow them at all to use their cc for gambling.
Well I believe that we all know the responsibilities that come with having a credit card, obviously things can get out of control, but it turns out that we are all dual, we don't need to be controlled in those things, they are a bank, the banks give the credit cards and we decide how we are going to spend the money, that is what must be understood, there is no other option but that, now once we have this type of things and we can establish a permit already acquired , because when we acquire a credit card the bank assigns it to a person of legal Age, who is an adult and who knows the answers to what he or she does This, if a person is not well, they should not play , Much less spend the money. credit card, it is not good, many things must be put in place for this , for a bank that does not allow using the credit card to buy crypto to play in a crypto casino, because for me it does not make any kind of sense, here it is Banks begin to fill with money that those who have the Credit card provided to them.
We must understand that a casino must accept credit cards because it is the only way to get money in or it is one of the ways they have a way to get money in, and if they take away the credit cards it is not good either, I think a person knows What you should do and what you Should not do with your money unless that person suffers a possible loss of their documents and then if they have to call the bank to have the card blocked, in this order of ideas we as such could do many things to To be able to establish it as something normal, the banks must have the freedom to use their FIAT money tools, it is known that if they use them they will monitor it in some way, because in FIA money things are controlled like that, but in crypto with fiat money by Card Believe it or not it doesn't look so good.